Star Quest

Star Quest
Informații generale
AutorDean Koontz
GenScience fiction
Ediția originală
Titlu original
Star Quest
EditurăAce Books
Coperta deGray Morrow
Țara primei aparițiiSUA
Data primei apariții1968
Număr de pagini127
Modifică date / text Consultați documentația formatului

Star Quest este primul roman scris de Dean R. Koontz. A fost publicat prima oară în 1968, de către Ace Books, Inc. Romanul a fost publicat de Ace Double într-o nouă carte împreună cu romanul Doom of the Green Planet de Emil Petaja.

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Lucrări de Dean Koontz
Star Quest (1968) · The Flesh in the Furnace (1972) · Chase (1972) · Demon Seed (1973) · Shattered (1973) · Dragonfly (1975) · Invasion (1975) · Night Chills (1976) · The Face of Fear (1977) · The Vision (1977)  · The Key to Midnight (1979) · The Voice of the Night (1980) · The Funhouse (1980) · Whispers (1980) · The Mask (1981) · The Eyes of Darkness (1981) · The House of Thunder (1981) · Phantoms (1983) · Darkfall (1984) · The Servants of Twilight (1984) · Twilight Eyes (1985) · The Door to December (1985) · Strangers (1986) · Watchers (1987) · Shadow Fires (1987) · Lightning (1988) · Midnight (1989) · The Bad Place (1990) · Cold Fire (1991) · Hideaway (1992) · Mr. Murder (1993) · Dragon Tears (1993) · Winter Moon (1994) · Dark Rivers of the Heart (1994) · Icebound (1995) · Strange Highways 1995) · Intensity (1996) · Ticktock (1996) · Sole Survivor (1997) · Fear Nothing (1998) · Seize the Night (1998) · False Memory (1999) · From the Corner of His Eye (2000) · One Door Away from Heaven (2001) · By the Light of the Moon (2002) · The Face (2003) · Odd Thomas (2003) · The Taking (2004) · Life Expectancy (2004) · Prodigal Son (2005) · Velocity (2005) · City of Night (2005) · Forever Odd (2005) · The Husband (2006) · Brother Odd (2006) · The Good Guy (2007) · The Darkest Evening of the Year (2007) · Odd Hours (2008) · Your Heart Belongs to Me (2008) · Relentless (2009) · Dead and Alive (2009) · Breathless (2009) · Lost Souls (2010) · What the Night Knows (2010) · 77 Shadow Street (2011)
Demon Seed (1977) · The Intruder (1977) · Watchers (1988) · Whispers (1990) · Watchers II (1990) · The Face of Fear (1990) · The Servants of Twilight (1991) · Watchers 3 (1994) · Hideaway (1995) · Intensity (1997) · Mr. Murder (1998) · Phantoms (1998) · Watchers Reborn (1998) · Sole Survivor (2000) · Black River (2001) · Frankenstein (2004) · The Husband (TBA) · Odd Thomas (2013)
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